Sunday, September 30, 2012

Amy Tan: Where does creativity hide?

Amy Tan, one of histories well known American writers. Her work explores all types of genres and inspires all to read more and to be creative.  I choose Amy Tan TED speech, where does creativity hide, because it really inspired me as I’m watching it to think of where my creative side comes from and to really focus on that and to not be afraid to create. One thing she said that stuck out to me the most is, “ Find personal meaning in everything you do”.  That’s big because if you don’t have any personal meaning in you work or just in your personal life then why do what you do?

In life, Amy has overcome a lot of adversity and heartache and is where most of hear writing comes from. She talked about a lot of pain and tragedy in her life, but the one thing that showed me she was a really strong and special person is when she lost her brother and father six months apart from brain tumors. A lot of people would have just crumbled and given up, but Tan who just 15 at the time when this happened, channeled all of her pain through writing and storytelling.
Tan shared another personal meaning with the audience that seemed to touch them, is when she talked about her trip to Burma for one of her most recent novels, Saving Fish from Drowning. While there she was traveling from village to village and they came upon this beach where this local was staking huge rocks on top of each other and in between the rocks where small little rocks. She stopped and asked him how this was possible, and the man simple said, “Everything in life has a place of balance”. That is so true, we may go though life and may seem crazy at times and out of control, but everything you do has balance, we just have to find that balance. 

I've a lot from watching this TED speech and researching Amy Tan. She has an amazing story that has inspired people all over and has inspired me to write from within and from the heart. She also said something this I think if a life point that everyone should take advice from. She said, how do you create something out of nothing? By questioning everything. If you don't ask question then you won't learn and you can't grow.


Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Getting a job in the film industry

Everyone wants to be the next big time director or the next big time producer. But it’s doesn’t always end up that way. Working in the film industry is a hard, but exciting career path to take. It’s a night and day type of career. One day you can have so much work to where you don’t know what to do and the next day your praying that someone calls you just so you can rent.
         There are a lot of factors that come in to play when it comes to getting a job after school or if your making a career changes. Some factors include, knowing someone that already has a job, starting off as a intern and working your way up the ladder, and other ways are just pure luck.
         From my experience, I’ve encountered three ways that have helped not only myself, but also other friends get jobs in the film industry.
         First is making sure you have a good resume. resume should stand out and look professional from head to toe. Try and take all of your school projects off your resume and put all of your outside work to the top, Read over your resume and have someone else look over it and check it for grammar errors. The one thing you don’t want is to have a lot of experience on your resume but then have a lot of grammar errors.
         Second, going out and networking. Make yourself known in the area you live in and hang out with friends that work in the same area as you. I know it seems a little too easy, but trust me this works. Just by going out to network meeting and mingling with other filmmakers can help you get job. It may not be paid at first but it’s a good way to start off and a way to gain a lot of experience. 
         The third thing is to educate yourself on the specific field you want to work in and then go learn another field and be the best at that The one thing that can hurt you is not knowing your craft. Most of the time people don’t mind helping you out on set but if your not studying and constantly practicing your craft then your no good. Producers and Production Coordinators look for people that know what there doing and that are the best at their craft. Not someone they have to train and constantly worry about.
         So some key things to remember again. Make sure your resume is up to date and has your most recent work on it. Go out and network with others in your industry and make yourself known. Work isn’t just going to fall into your lap. You have to go out and get. Lastly educate yourself daily on the latest piece of technology out there and be the best at your job. Eventually someone will notice you and you will get your big break.  

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Next Generation of filmmakers

                  For years the film industry have ben run by the same people with the same ideas and the same look. Now there is a new wave of filmmakers coming through that are totally changing the industry by storm. Your typical old school movie directors aren’t what the producers are looking for anymore. They want young and creative directors that think outside the box. One director that stands out to me that is really hot right now is Joss Whedon. Whedon who is 48, is taking the film world by storm right now with last years summer hit, The Avengers! The Avenger’s made over $1,507,414,627 worldwide making it the third highest grossing film worldwide. This was a smash hit for Whedon and put him up top with big time directors.      
                  This wasn’t Whedon first taste of success. He is the creator of the television hit, Buffy the Vampire Slayer. The show has become a cult classic by many people all over, was on the air for 6 seasons. Here is a quick look at why Joss Whedon is considered a genius
                  The one thing that sets Joss Whedon aside the other directors is he that he isn’t only a director. He is a screenwriter, composer, actor and executive producer. So he has his hands in ever aspect of the filming process. That is why the studios are going after him instead of your traditional director. Whedon is set to director the next installment of Marvels Avengers and next summers hit movie S.H.E.I.L.D starring Samuel L. Jackson. With young directors taking over the film industry by storm who knows what is store for the future of film?